Want to dual-boot any version of iOS 6 on your iPhone, or iPad? A new Cydia app called CoolBooter allows users to dual-boot two different versions of iOS on the same iPhone, or iPad (the iPod Touch is still in the works.) With CoolBooter you’ll have the ability to simultaneously load two different operating systems – iOS 6 on iOS 9, 8, or 7. The only downside, to take advantage of this “tethered downgrade” you’ll need to own a 32-bit jailbroken device.
Wait just a second, at the moment CoolBooter Only supports dual-booting on the iPhone 5C, 5, 4 & iPad 4, 3, & 2. The CoolBooter Utility app is still in its beta phase, currently beta 5. As the developer said, “install this with catuion” (users are advised to wait for the final version which will be much more stable.)
How to Dual-Boot iOS 6 on iOS 9, 8 & 7
Step 1: Open Cydia and navigate to sources.
Step 2: Click “Add” and enter this repo address http://coolbooter.com.
Step 3: Wait for the data to reload, then go to the CoolBooter Repo, All Packages and you’ll see CoolBooter Beta. Install it.
Step 4: When it’s done installing head back to your homescreen and search for the new CoolBooter Beta icon.
Note: If this is your main device i would highly recommend you create a backup of your data.
Step 5: Run CoolBooter and click the Install button. Select the version of iOS you want to install. You can choose 6.0 through 6.1.4. Currently installing the latest version has problems, so it is better to choose one of the earlier releases.
Step 6: CoolBooter will ask you if you want that version of iOS jailbroken which is up to you. Click Yes or No to continue, then select whether to display Verbose Boot, a list of commands during the installation. Now we wait until it’s finished.
Step 7: Disconnect any cables from the iPhone, or iPad (very important) and tap reboot. Wait 10 seconds and unlock your device. If you selected Verbose Boot you’ll see the list of commands I mentioned earlier. Wait for your device to boot up, go through the initial device setup, and that’s all!
Hope you enjoy dual-booting onto iOS 6! Let me know if it worked for you down below, or if you ran into any trouble.
Update #1:
If you jailbroke your device with Pangu for 8.1, back up your device and install this deb the reboot, and boot into iOS 6.
If you jailbroke your device with Pangu7, use this deb.
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