In this tutorial I’ll be showing you how to walk around in Pokemon Go without actually having to move (tap to walk) without a jailbreak. This hack works on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch running iOS 10, 9.3.3, 9.3.2 thru iOS 8. The developer, williamlcobb, of the tweak was cool enough to drop this package, but it was for jailbroken devices only.
Fast Forward a couple days and reddit user was able to put together a sideloaded version of PokemonGoAnywhere tweak. This means you can now tap walk and move around by tapping on the map in Pokemon Go while sitting on a couch or laying down.
Before I show you how to get it, do know that this tweak is primarily for those with trouble walking around. I recommend Pokemon Go players to go outside and explore instead.
Note: This Pokemon Go tweak for Non-Jailbroken will allows you to “Tap and hold to walk anywhere in the map (you need to be faced north).” And also let you patrol an area in a circle to hatch eggs faster without even touching the screen.
How to Install PokemonGoAnywhere No Jailbreak
Before we start, here’s a few things you need:
Your iPhone or iPad
Mac OS X
Xcode 7 (latest 7.3.2 ATM) for iOS 9.3.2 & 9.3.3
Xcode 8 Beta 2 for iOS 10
Step 1. Download a cracked version of thePokèmonGO.ipa. Watch the video and you’ll see where to get it, the JailedPokemonGoAnywhere files and unzip it onto your desktop, and install Xcode 7, if you’re on iOS 9.3.2 or 9.3.3, but if you’re on iOS 10 you’ll need Xcode 8 Beta 2.. You’ll also need to download the iOSAppSigner.
Step 2. Once you have all files unzipped on your desktop rename the .IPA to PokemonGO.ipa then place it into your the JailedPokemonGoAnywhere unzipped folder.
Step 3. Launch Xcode, select create a new xcode project, tap master detail application, and then next. Select your options for your new app, tap next direct the saved app to your desktop, and tap create. You should now see the PokemonGoAnywhere app folder Xcode just crerated.
Step 4. Make sure to fix any issues with the app;. If you see the prompt tap it and sign in using your Apple ID. Once you’ve finished creating your provisioning profile now you’ll need to locate it. Navigate to Xcode > Preferences > Select your Developer ID or Apple ID > View Details > Locate your provisioning profile > Right-Click > Show in finder
Step 5. Open up your terminal and type these commands:
cd/(Then drop the JailedpokemonGoAnywhere fold here and press enter) You should now be in the folders directory.
Next, you must type:
chmod +x optool the
Press enter
./ patch PokemonGo.ipa tap spacebar drag your provision file in terminal from your provisioning profile folder (as we did just a few seconds ago.)
Step 6. When you see “Great Success” you can close down terminal.
Step 7. Fire up the iOSAppSigner, tap browse, and direct it to the “PokemonGO-patched.ipa” located in your unzipped JailedPokemonGoAnywhere folder. Select the correct signing certificate and under provisioning select com.yourname you chose. tap Start and save the output .ipa to your desktop.
Step 8. When you see the PokemonGo.ipa you can launch Xcode, tap on window, then select devices. At this point your device should be plugged in so you’re able to select it. At the bottom tap the “+” button and search for the PokemonGo.ipa on your desktop (from step 7.) Just wait a few seconds as the app is being installed.
Step 9. Now that its on your device head into setting > general > device management, select your profile, and tap trust Twice. Now you can back out and fire up Pokemon Go.
Note: Here’s a bit of trouble shooting error relating to entitlements.xml seems to be an issue for those with Xcode 8 Beta. All you have to do is go to your applications folder and rename “Xcode-beta” or whatever your Xcode application is named to just “Xcode” Error relating to Xcode’s “application-identifier entitlement” error. If resigning the final IPA with iOS App Signer failed for you, try again using IMSign and resign the PokemonGo-patched.ipa again. Error relating to:…PokemonGoAnywhere.dylib Codesign failed. Have you ran ‘make’ yet?” Delete your developer certificates from and try again
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