Do you want free paid Apple AppStore Apps? Well in this tutorial I walk you through the process of getting free paid apps on any iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch running iOS 9, or 10 – 10.0.2 without a jailbreak. Yeah, “Without A Jailbreak!” SO just to get things in order we’ll need to check off a few things we need to get this done.
What you Need
An iOS device running iOS 9, 10, 10.0.1, or 10.0.2 (10.1b2)
A Windows computer
The latest version of iTunes
Download 25PP (When you’re redirected tap on the blue download button.)
The How-To
Step 1. Download 25PP (When you’re redirected tap on the blue download button.)
Step 2. once you have it downloaded install the 25PP application.
Step 3. Now that it’s installed before we do anything you’ll need to reboot your computer.
Step 4. When your computer comes back on you can launch the 25PP app. Up at the top you’re going to tap the device icon and now you can connect a device.
Note: If you’re prompted on your device to trust a connection tap trust. Also, if your device doesn’t connect close the app and launch it again.
Step 5 In the device tab on the right bottom corner tap on PP to begin the installation. The app isn’t, and won’t, install, but now your device is registered. you can now start installing apps for free.
Step 6. Up at the tap tap on the second icon and now you can search for any app that you want.
Step 7. Once you’ve selected the app that you want tap the get button and just chill.
Note: If you want to check its downloading progress tap on the loading icon.
Step 8. When the app is done downloading it will automatically install on your device. Launch and you’ll notice you don’t have to trust a certificate because it’s registered.
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