I’m back at it again with another awesome guide on how to install XBMC Kodi on your Apple TV 4 without a jailbreak. Now this works on tvOS 9 , or tvOS 10, and can be done wether you’re using a Mac, Windows, or Linux computer. I must say it’s just the beginning, we’ll also be adding a few sources, or repos, which will allow you to install some of the most famous plugins like: 1Channel, IceFilms, and Phoenix.
So what’s the big deal? Well, with just these 3 channels you can turn your ATV 4 into the ultimate media center for free! Down below you’ll find the simple instructions and requirements to transform your ATv 4 in just 10 minutes.
You’ll obviously need a Apple TV 4 running tvOS 9, or 10.
A Mac, Linux, or Windows computer.
In order to connect your ATV 4 to your computer you’ll need a Type C USB. Here’s a few.
Make sure you’re running the latest version of iTunes available if not you can download it at the Apple iTunes download page. if you have it install check for an update. (you don’t need to have iTunes running you just need it to be installed.)
Next you’ll need to download the Kodi.ipa by navigating to this page.
Then you will need to download a Cydia Impactor from here. Make sure you select the correct type of computer you’ll be using it on.
Once you have all of the above you’re ready to move on.
Kodi On ATV 4: tvOS 9 or tvOS 10
Connect your Apple TV 4 device with your computer, and make sure that it is turned on.
Once your computer detects your ATV 4, you can proceed to next step. If iTunes or some other program pops up then close that first.
Extract the folder from the Impactor.zip file onto your desktop and launch Impactor.exe.
Note: DO NOT run it as an administrator.
Once impactor is open make sure it read your ATV 4.
If you have multiple connected to your computer, select the Apple TV, or you can just remove them.
Moving on, Drag and drop the Kodi.ipa file into Cydia Impactor. (If the link isn’t working let me know and I’ll update it,)
Now Cydia Impactor will ask you to Enter your Apple ID. just in case you don’t want to use your Apple ID, make a new one to use only for this purpose.
Once you’ve entered a valid Apple ID, it will begin signing the kodi.ipa file and will install it on your ATV 4.
Note: This can take a couple of minutes so just be patient.
If you’re prompted by a warning while it’s installing, just press OK.
In just a couple of minutes you will see Kodi in your homescreen. If you don’t restart your device.
Note: After 7 days you’ll need to repeat this process again.
Now you can enjoy Kodi on your Apple TV 4 without a jailbreak. If you want to add some awesome channels keep on reading below.
Kodi: 1Channel, IceFilms, and Phoenix
Step 1. Launch Kodi and select SYSTEM then File Manager.
Step 2. Select Add Source then tap None, and type the following just as you see it here http://fusion.tvaddons.ag and tap Done.
Step 3 Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source & type fusion. Tap Ok and head back to your Home Screen.
Step 4. Go into System Select Add-Ons then tap Install from zip file and select fusion, xbmc-repos, english, and finally repository.tknorris.release-x.x.x.zip, repository.xbmchub-x.x.x.zip, and repository.eldorado-x.x.x.zip. Now all you have to do is wait for all Add-on enabled notifications.
Step 5. Head back to your Home Screen > Video Add-Ons, select 1Channel, Phoenix, IceFilms, and install then all. Once again wait for all add-on enabled notification.
1Channel is now installed and ready to use. You can access 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms in Videos> Add-Ons > 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms from your home screen.
I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you need additional help, check out the video above.
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