You wanted it, so here it is. In this written tutorial I’ll be showing you how to install XBMC Kodi on any device running iOS 9.3.5 & 9.3.4 – 9 without a jailbreak. Kodi is one of the most demanded applications which allows users to watch cable TV, TV shows, movies, and much more. Although there’s many different ways to install Kodi without a jailbreak such as using Xcode to sideload it, but that required the end user to own a Mac OS X computer; that seem to be the problem. The good news is that now you can install it using either a Windows PC, or a Mac computer.
What You Need
iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch
Computer running Windows, Linux or Mac OS (X)
Kodi .ipa file: Download (Mirror)
Impactor: Download
Install XBMC Kodi Without A Jailbreak
Step 1. Connect your device to a PC, or Mac, computer.
Step 2. Download and extract Impactor using Winrar on your PC. Make sure to extract the Impactor folder onto your desktop.
Note: Don’t run program as administrator.
Step 3. Make Sure Device your device has been detected by Impactor.
Step 4. Drag and drop the downloaded Kodi.ipa file into Impactor.
Step 5. Now Impactor will ask you for Apple ID. If you don’t want to use your actual account create a new one and login.
Step 6. After logging in using an Apple ID Impactor will start signing Kodi file on your Non-Jailbroken iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch you have connected. If you see any pop-up just click it as Ok to proceed. Now wait for the process to finish.
Step 7. Once Kodi is installed on your device go into Settings > General > scroll down to Device Management and search for the profile with the Apple ID you used to sign the app. Tap on it, then tap trust twice. Now you can back out and launch Kodi.
Note: After 7 Days you will need to Resign Kodi on your device again with the same process.
If you want the extra goodies such as 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms so you can enjoy even more media viewing options follow the guide down below.
Install 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms On Kodi
Step 1. Launch Kodi and select SYSTEM then File Manager.
Step 2. Select Add Source then tap None, and type the following just as you see it here http://fusion.tvaddons.ag and tap Done.
Step 3 Highlight the box underneath Enter a name for this media Source & type fusion. Tap Ok and head back to your Home Screen.
Step 4. Go into System Select Add-Ons then tap Install from zip file and select fusion, xbmc-repos, english, and finally repository.tknorris.release-x.x.x.zip, repository.xbmchub-x.x.x.zip, and repository.eldorado-x.x.x.zip. Now all you have to do is wait for all Add-on enabled notifications.
Step 5. Head back to your Home Screen > Video Add-Ons, select 1Channel, Phoenix, IceFilms, and install then all. Once again wait for all add-on enabled notification.
1Channel is now installed and ready to use. You can access 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms in Videos> Add-Ons > 1Channel, Phoenix, and IceFilms from your home screen.
I hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you need additional help, check out the video above.
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